House design software mac trace image
House design software mac trace image

house design software mac trace image house design software mac trace image

Click outside the Detail View to deactivate it. Move the Detail View by clicking inside it and dragging. If it’s in a bad location you’ll move it in a future step.

  • Drag the Viewing Frame off to the side of the drawing area and release the mouse.
  • An outline of the Viewing Frame jumps to your cursor so that the center of the new Viewing Frame is attached to the cursor.
  • Put the cursor anywhere inside the new Viewing Frame.
  • The Message Line then updates to “Drag Viewing Frame.”
  • Drag a Viewing Frame completely around the image.
  • Be sure to leave the scale set to 1 in the Status Line.
  • The message line reads, “Enter view scale and pick first corner of Viewing Frame.” This centers the bitmap and gives you some room around the edge needed in the next few steps.
  • Zoom All (PC=Ctrl+F, Mac=?+F) and then Zoom (PC=Ctrl+[, Mac=?+[ ) once.
  • house design software mac trace image

  • Import the bitmap or pict format graphic to trace over into the new drawing.
  • With the graphic being displayed in an underlying Detail View, the new geometry created goes into the Sheet View, assuring that it stays “on top” of the graphic image. The trick to this is to put the image in a Detail View Window, and then use Graphite’s ability to put different views on top of each other by bringing the Sheet View to the front. In our example here, let’s say you wanted to create a wireframe drawing of the red guitar body so you could plot the pattern and use it as a template to cut it out of wood. Use it to create theater props or to capture a style, but not for orthopedic prostheses or mechanical parts requiring an exact match. It’s an effective way to recreate items where precision is not an absolute factor. A photograph taken straight on, where most things are at about the same depth, makes a fairly good candidate for tracing. Both parallax caused by the camera lens and perspective of the photograph greatly effect the accuracy of the drawing. While this is a convenient technique for general shape extraction, it does not necessarily provide a precision drawing. Graphite users often ask how they can trace over an image in our precision CAD software. How to Trace Over an Image in Graphite Precision CAD Software
  • Organic Workflow™ Competitive Comparison.

  • House design software mac trace image